Types of Reviews
One thing you need to know, we are odd and super nerdy when it comes to
books so we have a few different types of book reviews that we do. Of course we
do the usual book reviews, but we also like to have some extra fun with this
and have several variations. Here is a breakdown of those different reviews and
what they entail:
Buddy Read Reviews
Well, we met through a buddy read and have spent a year doing them so
of course we had to incorporate this into our reviews. How the Buddy Read
Reviews work is that both of us read the same book and then each review it,
giving our differing viewpoints on the book and our own ratings of it.
TBR Jar Reviews
Okay let’s be honest, anyone who uses Goodreads has to admit that they
have a TBR that might be slightly (or excessively) full. Both of us from this
beautiful problem so we created our own TBR Jars. For this review we each randomly
pull a book out of our jars and read and review it, whether it has been on our
TBR for a few months or years.
Book to Movie Reviews
What was better, the book or the movie? The age old question that
prompts many arguments between people. This review is self-explanatory I guess.
Read the book, watch the movie, then compare and contrast the two.
The Fancy Book Society
If any of our reviews need explaining it is this one. Simply put, we
have alter-egos. Very fancy alter-egos. Ms. Fieldland-Twois (Tiina) and Mrs.
Daringfellow-Brushwood (Colleen) are two very refined ladies who live during, well, let's just say during a fancier time. After about eight months or so of letter correspondence they
have decided to try their hand at reviewing books. So for this review an older
book will be read and then reviewed by the minds of our alter-egos. Anything
else on this I cannot say because I think it kind of defies most explanations.
As Tiina says “it’s an inside joke” so maybe only the two of us find it
hilarious. But we want to let you into this inside joke and hope that you will
also enjoy the insight and bantering of Ms. Fieldland-Twois and Mrs.
Rating System
Why mess with a good thing? That is what we asked ourselves, which is
why we stuck with the Five Star rating system. The only twist we are putting on
it is we are allowing half stars. The system mechanics speak for themselves but
here is a quick breakdown of our star system:
Five Stars: Holy crap this was amazing! I would definitely read this
again! I read it at the right moment.
Four Stars: This was pretty awesome but I could not help but feel like
something was missing. Still a great read though.
Three Stars: Well, it was good, I liked it, but nothing special.
Two Stars: Unfortunately this book just didn’t do it for me, not sure I
am happy I read it or not.
One Star: Nope.
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