Friday, June 3, 2016

#FridayReads - June 3, 2016

Friday again already! I don’t like time moving so fast during spring/summer! I’m not sure how much time for reading I’ll have this weekend, but my initial plans include just finishing off the books I’m currently reading. They are: Fives and Twenty-Fives (yes, still, but it’s so bleak and I don’t like being sad, mmmkay?!), Wolf in White Van (weird in a good way, but I still don’t know where this is going exactly), Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore (for my library book club!), Vinegar Girl (a review book, will be released June 16th, it’s a retelling of The Taming of the Shrew). Are you tired of parentheses yet? All right, and as always, I’m also listening to an audiobook. This time it’s the fourth in the Raven Cycle series – The Raven King. It is just as good as the others but I am terrified of bad things happening. I’m always hesitant in recommending this series, by the way. It’s GOOD, but I think it’s something completely different from anything else out there, or at least different from the books I’ve read/heard about. I guess you could call it paranormal/urban fantasy? There is some romance, but it is very, very PG: the main character Blue was foretold her true love will die when they kiss, so obviously the whole series is very chaste :D. It’s mostly a tale of friendship, and people growing up, handling their families and future lives. All that with some freaky and mysterious goings-on! I’d say definitely pick up the audiobooks, they are such a great experience! Because, you know, Stephen King just made a video about how he loves audiobooks. That last trivia item was for Coll, but hey, the more people I convert the better ;-). Happy Friday!

I have no idea how it is Friday already but I am just rolling with it. First off I want to finish off The Elementals this weekend. It is a horror book by Michael McDowell that is about haunted house filled with a horror that can shape nightmares and kill you. It is an older book (1981) and so far I am enjoying it (just got to the creepy part, woohoo!). Then there is Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey that I spoke about last week, which has become my new best friend. <3 Now as for new books, I will be starting my first book from our TBRathon that we are doing. The book is Slayers by C.J. Hill, which fits the prompt for “read a book by an author with a four letter last name”. Slayers is the first book in a fantasy series about a small group of people, descendants of those who killed off the dragons, who are tasked with keeping the secret location of the remaining dragon eggs and protecting them. I have been a long-time fantasy fan and am also a fan of YA so it seems like this book will be pretty much up my alley. The other book I will be starting is The Complete Persepolis (Persepolis, #1-4) by Marjane Satrapi. This is the June book for Our Shared Shelf, the Emma Watson Goodreads group. It is a graphic novel that takes place in Tehran and tell the story of childhood and coming of age in the middle of the Islamic Revolution. I am really excited for this book and can’t wait to get started on it. So yeah, that is about it for me this weekend. Maybe I will also start looking into an audiobook to get into, since Tiina says that Stephen King likes them. ;-)

So those are our weekend plans. What books do you plan on spending your weekend with?

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