Welcome to Friday Reads! Just Tiina here today. Flying solo while Coll's chilling out in the Caribbean. Now, as to what I am reading. First some good news if you read this every Friday. I have finally finished up Pride and Prejudice. I don't understand why it took me so long for a while in the middle there, because I sped through the last 100 pages. Ahh, Darcy. OK, that's all the swooning I am allotted, and only because Coll's away. Sneaky!
I am trudging through Eggers' The Circle. It is still making me so angry and I keep putting it off. I will give it max 100 pages and if the characters don't wisen up I might DNF it and call it a day.
On a more positive note, I want to read a decent amount of Melissa Keil's The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl, which I am really, really enjoying so far. Some of the comic book references are way over my head, but that's purely my fault, and isn't really taking anything away from the actual novel itself. I will also pick up and give Marvels a go. It is an illustrated overview of the Marvel Universe from a photo journalist's point of view (if I'm not mistaken), and I've heard good things. Will see how it goes. A very comic-y weekend ahead, it seems!
That's what I'm reading this weekend, what about you?
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