Friday, April 22, 2016

#FridayReads - April 22

Friday again! Time really flies lately. I have finished two books this week so hopefully the great slump of 2016 is on its way out.  Saying that, I didn’t read a lick yesterday, so there’s that… Obviously, I’m not all the way out of the woods yet, but my main aims this weekend is to make a dent in a review book Tumbledown Manor by Helen Brown. It’s about a woman whose life is upended so she moves (back) to Australia to fix up an old manor/farm-house. That’s what I understood from the synopsis. I’m only one chapter in, but it seems promising, and features a slightly more mature heroine (I mean, she’s 40, not 75, but most romance novels feature 27-year-olds). I also started the second novel in the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. This one is called Dream Thieves and I can’t say anything because spoilers. The first one is quirky and weird, and the best audiobook experience I’ve ever had. I’m reading this in physical copy, but if I like where the series is headed, I’ll pick the last two up on audio. The last book in the series just came out so it’s a good series to marathon if that’s your jam. That’s about it. Also, for reference, all the books I’m planning to read this weekend wouldn’t even be half of King’s The Stand that Coll is reading. That lady is a champ! ;-)

Yay Friday! Freedom from work and time to nerd out on books and video games!  This weekend I plan on getting a good chunk of Admiral read (by Sean Decker), which I talked about in last week’s #FridayReads (Space Opera! Wooooooo!). I am also reading The Universe in Your Hand: A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond by Christophe Galfard. That book is, well, pretty much what the title says. It is a non-fiction science / astronomy book that takes you through quantum physics, black holes, string theory, the Big Bang, dark matter, dark energy, parallel universes, etc. and it is all explained in a way that is easily understandable. Being a space geek, I am super amped about this book and have a hard time putting it down, so much so that I almost missed my subway stop yesterday. This weekend I would also like to get started on The Demon Girl’s Song by Susan Jane Bigelow. This is a fantasy book about a young girl whose dream is to escape her small town, but instead her fate turns out to be having a 1,000 year old demon dug into her head. She watches as everything around her starts to fall apart and she must go on a quest to regain her identity and try to save the world and everything she knows. I have been a fantasy nerd for AGES so I am very excited for this book. I would like to start more books this weekend, but as Tiina mentioned I am still in a long—term relationship with The Stand. At least it is a happy relationship. Come to think of it, referring to a dystopian horror book as a happy relationship seems a little funny. ;-)

Enjoy your weekend everyone. We wish you plenty of quality reading time.

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