Friday, September 16, 2016

#FridayReads - September 16, 2016

I'm going to jump right in and get to the books I'm reading. I'm on holiday right now, but weirdly, have had very little time to actually read. Mainly because I get car sick easily so reading in moving vehicles is out for me. I know you wanted to know. However, tomorrow I should have some leisure time so my main aims are to read a bit more of Heather Demetrios' I'll Meet You There, and then start MR Carey's The Girl With All the Gifts. I have already started the first, but it's slow-going for some reason. The writing's beautiful, but it deals with tough issues so it's not all sunshine and games. If I do well with these then I'm looking forward to Renee Ahdieh's The Wrath and the Dawn. Or maybe something else, considering I bought 8 books to a 2-week holiday means I have plenty to choose from. I've only finished 3, to put things into perspective. What about you? Is anyone else enjoying the last summer weekend before autumn starts? Maybe wishing for a readathon to do some binge-reading? I know I am. Watch this space for more news ;-).

Well seeing as today I will come to the end of three books I am reading, it will be a weekend of new books for me! First will be one of the September books from the Book of the Month Club, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer. Needless to say I am super excited to read this one and cannot wait to start it. I will also be starting on the September/October book for the Emma Watson Goodreads group, Our Shared Shelf. The book is Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. It is about the oppression of women and girls in the developing world, focusing on those in Africa and Asia. It also sheds light on what some women in the world have to go through, how terribly oppressed women are, and points out how a huge part of world progress lies in unleashing women’s potential. I feel like I since I am reading two non-fiction, one of which is rather “heavy” (to quote Marty McFly), I feel like I need something a little lighter and more fantastical. So I think I will start the next book in the Expanse Series (yes I am still working on that but in my defense these books are massive) Cibola Burn by James S.A. Corey. Shit is getting real in the universe and Holden and his crew keep getting deeper and deeper into this new and ongoing threat, the protomolecule. This book continues on with their story, a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, politics, and horror. So basically this book is a bunch more awesome. :-) 

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